
Christmas Wish List

I just love Lauren Conrad. A friend of mine has read these books and really liked them, so I asked for all four for Christmas. But I have to have them in Hardback.
My blow dryer is about to die on me. So I hope Santa brings me the Chi Pro Dryer.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! My sister in law Jenny asked for this last year and I thought this was a great Nativity set. This is the Willow Tree one.
J and I are really liking watches. This is the boyfriend style for fossil. I also asked for the same watch in white :)
Old Navy has some really cute boots!

Now I am going to be honest... I have a ton of things on my Christmas list. I just didn't feel like posting everything. Some other things I asked for were. I professional makeup caring case for my Avon products. A ton of Pandora charms (J just bought me another bracelet. I am hoping to have two full ones!), some work clothes from JCrew, Ann Taylor, and Old Navy and some new jackets from NorthFace.
What are you guys asking for?

1 comment:

ty said...

I'll take one of everything you want, please!